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Or access to the resource you need to get it).

Before messaging, check out the FAQs section below to see if I’ve read your mind. If not, feel free to use the contact form or shoot me an email at

Current clients: Be sure to message me via your private client portal, Voxer, or email

Business Hours: Monday - Thursday 9a - 4p CST
By Appointment *closed all major U.S. Holidays

Location: Proudly based in Houston, Texas.
Harnessing technology to serve brands nationally.


Join the Thrive Tribe

Thriving in business requires a team; a network of growth-minded professionals who can uniquely contribute to the progressive growth of a brand. If you have a service that can benefit our clients, submit an application to join the Thrive Tribe as a preferred vendor. We will connect with all aligned candidates.


  • I’m flattered by your enthusiasm but let’s be clear. Allowing a Strategic Partner to come into your business and co-labor beside you is an important step. Having me steward your vision and drive it forward requires a high level of trust, vulnerability, and collaboration on both sides. This discovery call allows us to determine

    1. if we’ll be able to partner for sustainable impact

    2. if I’m in your budget

    3. or if there may be a more aligned solution for you.

      Click here to book your call.

  • The short answer is no, and here’s why.

    We start with the Thrive Map Strategic Consultation because clarity breeds momentum. Without crystal clear clarity of why your business exists, who you serve, how you serve, what projects you hope to undertake and what outcomes you’re striving to achieve, I won’t be able to strategically support your growth. 10+ years of experience has taught me that clients who skip this phase

    1. are less successful than those who don’t

    2. have unrealistic expectations for achievable outcomes (and my services)

    3. attempt to take shortcuts that undermine their ROI

    4. will eventually have to do this work at some point

    It all starts with a strategic plan.

  • I get it. As a Visionary nurturing multiple projects at once, time can feel quite scarce. It’s why we begin with the Thrive Map which produces a clear outline of what deserves priority at any given moment. If you’re unwilling to communicate your vision to me, how will I help you achieve it? In order to get the fullest benefits you’ve got to allocate the time needed on the front end.

    Rest assured there is no “busy work” here; every seed we plant together will produce a harvest. Trust the process.

    I work best with clients who are willing to devote the necessary time today so they can reclaim time (and freedom) tomorrow.

  • Absolutely! All creative Visionaries are welcome here. Thrive Business Support is built with a core vision to:

    1. Facilitate an increase in the capacity of Christian creatives so they live a testimony of abundance, leave a legacy for future generations, and use their talents for Kingdom impact.

    2. Enable generational time, health, & financial wealth so historically marginalized communities may build scalable businesses and lucrative legacies

    While our efforts will always remain focused on achieving our vision, if you align with our core values, feel free to reach out for support!

  • We are busy stewarding visions so DMs on socials may be missed. The best way to reach us is by emailing or submitting the form below. We’ll be happy to get back to you during business hours.

  • I actually highly recommend that! I am a deeply passionate, honest and straight forward servant-leader. My approach is quite similar to the no nonsense grandmother or favorite teacher who you know loves you and means business.

    Along with booking a discovery call, you can see my approach and get free tips and trainings by listening to the Thrive Support Podcast, watching at and on Instagram @thrivesupport

Don’t see your question? Use the form below to message me.

Get in touch.

Fill out the form to say hello, send feedback, or ask a question.

Click here to book a free discovery call.