Your assignment needs a strategic plan.

You are a creative Visionary who knows that God has called you to a specific assignment, for a specific purpose. You are moving in obedience, building a brand to accomplish your assignment but you are often overwhelmed by:

Delegation - finding the right people, figuring out the right seats, earning enough to afford team, and recouping your ROI.

Business 101 - juggling all the roles while learning taxes & bookkeeping, battling the algorithms, navigating customer service, and troubleshooting so much software!

Decision Fatigue - every ‘yes’ and every ‘no’ rests on your shoulders. If one more person comes to you for an answer, you can’t be held responsible for your reaction.

Development - you’re expected to harness creativity WHILE you create the schedule, build campaigns, formulate policies and so. much. more?!

There are too many days that feel like this isn’t what you signed up for. Too many moments you pray nobody can tell you’re just winging it.

You just want the freedom to create and have an impact!

Let me tell you,

a comprehensive strategic plan is the only way to build a business that centers your unique giftings into focused projects that achieve the impact you were called to.

I just triggered your “Hater Radar”

You know, that switch that flips whenever anyone isn’t 1000% down for your exact idea, exactly the way you’ve laid it out. I can hear you now, “I won’t limit my vision just because you can’t see it. I’ll win without a strategic plan. You just watch!”

Slow down, there are no haters here.

In fact, I care so deeply for you and your mission that I’ve dedicated my professional life to stewardship of that very purpose. I have worked with creatives from a wide range of industries (beauty, media, music, e-commerce, theater, and more) and the most successful ones have a common thread: a strategic plan primed to allocate their resources toward monumental impact.

Over a decade of standing shoulder to shoulder with creatives not unlike yourself has taught me that you may definitely survive without a strategic plan but you most certainly will not thrive without one.

/THrive/ - to grow or develop well or vigorously

I don’t expect you to take my word for it (you wouldn’t do that anyway). You’ve already been doing your thing without a strategic plan; let’s consider the fruit of that labor.

Tell me a bit about how it’s working out for you?

What’s the health of your personal and professional relationships looking like?

That project you swore you would start 4 January’s ago; did I miss the launch?

How many people have you hired and fired in the last 3 quarters alone? (High turnover is a leadership issue, btw).

Is your bank account finally matching your level of effort?

How heavy is the load of being the only one concerned about the long game, the big picture, the legacy of your brand? Is carrying it all by yourself feeling any lighter?

If your way is working, by all means, carry on! But if you’re ready for different, for better, for more— let’s get you a strategic plan and finally see what this ‘impactful growth’ thing is all about!

Thrive Plan Intensive

A VIP experience that crafts the strategic plan to drive your vision.

The Thrive Plan empowers you to grow forward, with clarity of what you are building, why it matters, and what to do next.

In this intensive, I will lead you through a one-on-one consultation where we dig deep into the “why” behind your brand. You will walk away from our virtual session with a renewed passion for your mission along with a crystal-clear picture of the brand you are building. After the Thrive Plan Intensive you will be equipped with:

  • Product Profile (what you’ll sell)

  • Business Model (how you’ll make money)

  • Customer Avatar (who you’ll serve & why they’ll buy)

  • Organizational Chart (who else gon’ be there? aka team)

  • Founder Profile (how you’ll grow & develop)

This VIP Intensive also explores:

  • Brand Audit - assessment of what’s working, what’s not, and how to fix it

  • Culture Guide - the core values that define and govern your brand

  • Next Steps - now that you have a targeted plan, what happens next?

The Thrive Plan VIP Intensive is the gateway to

live abundantly

impact greatly 

build a legacy of holistic wealth for future generations

Here’s What You’ll Get:

  • 6+ hours of 1:1 consulting with me, a certified Director of Ops

  • A comprehensive profile of your brand and it’s value

  • The foundation for actionable goal setting brand-wide

  • The clarity to grow forward with momentum

  • Know who you need on your team today and tomorrow

  • Options for continued Thrive support so you can work the plan!

Thrive Methodology

When we work together I will lead you through my 4 phase framework to discover the processes that fuel your brand (both thought & action).

What are you doing and why? How does it fulfill your mission and get you closer to your vision?

Once those processes are clear I will challenge their validity. Thoughts and actions that do not align with your mission will have to go while thoughts and actions that do align will likely need to increase and become more consistent.

If you are not ready and/or willing to be vulnerable, forthcoming, honest, transparent, humbly coachable, open to implementing new ideas and actions - then this is not the right time and we are not the right fit. The Thrive method, like many others, only works if you work it.

  • Your desire and vision is to build a brand that will survive long past your stewardship.

  • You already know your current processes, workload, and systems (or lack thereof) do not serve your vision.

  • You are committed to be guided through the work it will take today to enjoy ease tomorrow.

  • You have or desire a life-first business where family time, vacations, and long weekends are priority.

  • You’re ready to give next level effort to gain next level results.

You are ready for Thrive Support if…

You are not ready for Thrive Support if…

  • You are working and living for right now. The future will take care of itself.

  • You are sure your current workflows are flawless. You have no intention of changing them, unless someone can convince you otherwise.

  • You have neither a current understanding, nor a desire to understand business operations.

  • You subscribe to the “NO DAYS OFF” philosophy. Everything and everyone takes a backseat to the work you’re doing.

  • You are comfortable at your current level of growth.

A few brands I’ve loved supporting

I would love to support you!