Committing our plans to the Lord so He can order our steps.

Thrive Prayer & Fast

Sun, Jan 14 - Sat, Jan 20

As creative entrepreneurs and influential founders, how often do we make plans, pursue goals and take actions without checking in with God for His will? It is easy to get so caught up in the day-to-day of the assignments we have been entrusted to steward that we go along without pausing to seek the face of the one who assigned us. This year, I’d like to invite us to take a beat and seek His face through prayer and fasting. God’s word promises that He will direct our paths and establish our plans as we commit those plans to Him. So before we create our strategic business plan for 2024, let’s seek God together.

The Thrive Prayer & Fast is a 7 day virtual time of prayer and fasting. Here’s how it will work:

01 — Register

Complete the brief form to receive the daily email prompts. You will not be added to an ongoing email list. I will only email you about the Thrive Prayer & Fast.

02 — Decide

We are all as unique as the assignments we have been called to steward. That’s why you will decide what you will fast and when during this period. Consider fasting 1 or more mealtimes, a specific type of food, an activity like watching tv, or a habit like indulging in social media. You can choose one category or a combination of them all. You can fast all day or only during certain periods.

Whatever you decide to surrender as a sacrifice to God during this period is the right choice!

03 — Check your inbox daily.

I will send an email once per day every morning from Sunday, January 14 - Saturday, January 20. Check your inbox for the daily prayer prompt, suggested areas of focus, and scriptures to meditate on as you fast and pray throughout the day.

04 — Expect His response!

God is faithful to those who diligently seek Him. Therefore, we don’t simply pray, we also believe! As you meditate on His promises, seek His will for your assignments, and ask Him to direct your path, trust that He will answer you! Listen and watch for His still, small voice and take note of the dreams and revelations you receive during this period.

Share this page with any business owners you believe would benefit from a guided time of prayer and fasting to start this year in business with victory. The last day to register is Sunday, Jan 14.

“in spirit & truth” YouTube Playlist

Before we can plant fruitfully, we must first prepare the soil.