A Virtual Workshop | Wed, Oct 9 | 10a -12p

At the top of the year you prayed, fasted and crafted a beautiful vision board for all the great things you would accomplish this year. With the final quarter of the year staring you in the face, you’re wondering what happened? Could it be that despite your goals and plans, you neglected to create the environment that would make those plans possible? There were no systems, no routines, and no contingencies put in place. Your goals left no room for your life to happen.

The year is not over yet!

In the 'Good Soil' virtual workshop, we will cultivate the environment for the seeds of your ideas to actually take root and grow in this final quarter and beyond!

Workshop attendees will receive:

  • Micro Audit (consider what's working, what's not, and what's needed so you know how to grow well)

  • Quarter 4 Map (practical steps so you get the most out of the remainder of this year)

  • 2025 Quarterly Calendar (enter the new year with clarity of focus and solid systems)

  • Digital Workbook (so you can reference the plans & goals you make)

  • Implement in real-time (procrastination won't win this time!)

**Bonus 1: Your ticket grants you access to a 5 day replay of the live workshop so you can take fast action!

**Bonus 2: Get access to me for your questions during the interactive workshop (and email me your business questions anytime during the 5 day replay period!)

Once you leave this workshop, you will have the tools you need to

  • End the year with intention and impact

  • Begin the upcoming year primed to thrive

Let’s prepare the way for the growth you’ve prayed for.

Before we can plant fruitfully, we must first prepare the soil.